Key figures 2023
67% of Ukrainian citizens residing in Poland are women
50% of Ukrainian citizens residing in Poland with children
4% of adult Ukrainians staying in Poland are in post-working age
62% of respondents intend to return to Ukraine in the near or long term
50% of respondents plan to apply for a temporary or permanent residence permit in Poland
45% of respondents declare to use Polish state medical care facilities
56% of Ukrainian citizens staying in Poland have higher or incomplete higher education
35% of respondents declare good or very good knowledge of Polish language
70% of respondents declare that their children use the Polish education system in Poland
78% of Ukrainian citizens residing in Poland have taken up paid employment
24% of respondents have sought employment in countries other than Poland during the last year
55% of Ukrainian citizens working in Poland would recommend work in our country to their friends and relatives
771 PLN - monthly average sent to the homeland by the citizens of Ukraine staying in Poland
48% of respondents believe that facilitating access to language courses is most conducive to the integration of Ukrainian citizens in Poland
Link to the full text in Polish: